About the IB

University admission with the IB Diploma

In Hungary

The IB Diploma is accepted by universities and colleges in Hungary, for admission purposes it is considered equivalent to the Hungarian Matura Diploma.

The IB grades (on a scale of 7) are converted to points as follows (as of 2023, according to felvi.hu):

7: 100%

6: 88%

5: 76%

4: 63%

3: 51%

2: 39%


The additional points for higher level subjects can be earned for the subjects and levels listed in the table below. The list is continuously revised and extended, the IB schools in Hungary are trying to achieve that as many higher level IB subjects are accepted as equivalent to Hungarian higher levels as possible.

From 2017 the following IB subjects (and levels) are accepted as higher level exams:

1Hungarian as a foreign language is not accepted as Hungarian language and literature! Hungarian A is accepted as equivalent to Hungarian language and literature in Karinthy Frigyes Két Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnázium and Tóth Árpád Gimnázium in Debrecen.

2Exams taken in or after 2015.

3Exams taken in or after 2017.

(source: felvi.hu)


Although many universities abroad know and accept the Hungarian Matura Diploma, holders of the IB Diploma are still preferred, since its high standards and exact requirements are known and respected worldwide. This is especially the case with the world’s best and most popular universities because they know just by looking at the grades in the IB Diploma what to expect from that student in terms knowledge and perseverance. Also, if a Hungarian student applies to a university abroad, they usually ask for a proof of language proficiency (CAE, CPE, TOEFL, ELS, etc. language exam), while in case of IB students they accept the IB Diploma as the proof.